What is Pulaski County's Golden Age Program?
Education is not just an issue for children. We must be concerned about people of all ages and backgrounds… The future of America depends on it.
-Barbara Bush
The quote by Barbara Bush supports the idea that although many senior citizens no longer have children in school, everyone reaps the benefits of education. All of us depend on an educated workforce to sustain a healthy economy and community and to preserve the middle class and our free market economy. If we hope to maintain or improve the quality of life in our communities, attract new businesses, and continue to prosper as a nation, then education is essential.
The Pulaski County School System has emphasized and expanded educational and cultural opportunities for senior citizens through the Golden Age Program (GAP) in an effort to communicate with those who are affected by education. “Education at its best is a partnership between schools, parents, and community. We are working to build partnerships where we can share our triumphs and solve our weaknesses. The GAP program is an example of our philosophy to reach out to the community and make our schools accessible to everyone in the community,” said Pulaski County School System Superintendent Patrick Richardson.
The program has expanded to include over 3000 members. The GAP member benefit includes the popular Golden Age Pass, which includes free admission to athletic and extracurricular events at Pulaski Schools, excluding tournaments. Also, in November, there is a get-together for members and a guest at Pulaski County High School.
The GAP program (Seniors 55+) is designed to be mutually beneficial to the school system and to those who are involved in the program. “Seniors are of extreme importance to the total education process of our youth. They can have a great impact by sharing their knowledge and life experiences with our students and giving our teachers the opportunity to bring the past alive,” added Richardson. “Having seniors involved with our students helps build relationships and understanding between the two groups and helps students and seniors understand the role each other plays in our community.”
For information about the Golden Age Program that includes a free pass to all Pulaski County events, contact Roxanna Bishop at 679-1123.