Parents' Guide to the New State Standards
Tips on Helping Your Child Meet the New Standards
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- Sixth Grade
- Seventh Grade
- Eighth Grade
- High School English
- High School Math
- Spanish versions of these brochures
Guía Para Padres Para Fomentar El Éxito Escolar
- Kindergarten
- 1er Grado
- 2do Grado
- 3er Grado
- 4to Grado
- 5to Grado
- 6to Grado
- 7mo Grado
- 8vo Grado
- Inglés En La Escuela Preparatoria
- Matemática En La Escuela Preparatoria
Web Pages
- 1997 Volunteers of the Year
- 1998 Volunteers of the Year
- 1999 Volunteers of the Year
- 2000 Volunteers of the Year
- 2001 Volunteers of the Year
- 2002 Volunteers of the Year
- 2003 Volunteers of the Year
- 2004 Volunteers of the Year
- 2005 Volunteers of the Year
- 2006 Volunteers of the Year
- 2007 Volunteers of the Year
- 2008 Volunteers of the Year
- 2009 Volunteers of the Year
- 2010 Volunteers of the Year
- 2011 Volunteers of the Year
- 2012 Volunteers of the Year
Kent Mayfield
Business: 606-679-1123
Address: 925 N. Main St. Somerset, KY 42503