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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

District Results may be viewed in the table at the bottom of the homepage or by clicking

RTI Academics

This page contains information about RTI initiatives in the Pulaski County School System related to academic performance.  The Pulaski County School district and each of the individual schools are in an ongoing process of continuous improvement.  District and school improvement plans can be found on our websites detailing specific initiatives being implemented.   

Tier 2 for Academics


Secondary Intervention (or Tier 2) is designed to provide targeted interventions to support students who are not responding to Primary Prevention (or Tier 1) efforts. Interventions and supports within Tier 2 are more intensive since it targets a smaller number of students who are at risk for developing more serious learning problems and need a little more support. Common Tier 2 practices involve small groups of students engaged in targeted intervention strategies.

Tier 3 for Academics

Tier 3 or Tertiary Intervention focuses on the needs of students with more chronic or severe learning challenges that have not been responsive to secondary (Tier 2) level interventions.  Tier 3 interventions are individualized and targeted to specific instructional skill deficits.  The design and implementation of individualized supports are best executed when they are conducted in a comprehensive and collaborative manner (teams).  Supports are tailored to the student's specific needs and circumstances.

 Types of Interventions Used:  Below is a list of commonly used interventions and links to information about the interventions (when available).  Note:  This list is not exhaustive and is constantly evolving.  Contact the individual school of interest for additional information.






Middle/High Schools:





Specific Areas of Interest:

Due to a number of requests for assistance with information related to writing instruction, assessment and intervention, a resource page was developed for this area.  Just click the pencil or "Supports for Writing" link below. 

Supports for Writing