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PBIS Tier 3

Tier 3 or Tertiary Prevention focuses on the needs of students with more chronic or severe problem behavior that is not responsive to or appropriate for secondary level interventions. Tertiary Prevention is most effective when there are positive school-wide and classroom systems already in place. Tier 3 interventions are individualized and function-based.  The design and implementation of individualized supports are best executed when they are conducted in a comprehensive and collaborative manner (teams). Supports are tailored to the student's specific needs and circumstances.

Tertiary Prevention involves a process of functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and a support plan comprised of individualized, assessment-based intervention strategies, including a wide range of options such as: (1) guidance or instruction for the student to use new skills as a replacement for problem behaviors, (2) a plan for systematically reinforcing these new skills and behaviors, (3) some rearrangement of the antecedent environment so that problems can be prevented and desirable behaviors can be encouraged, and (4) procedures for monitoring, evaluating, and reassessing of the plan as necessary. In some cases, the plan may also include emergency procedures to ensure safety and rapid de-escalation of severe episodes (this is required when the target behavior is dangerous to the student or others), or major ecological changes, such as changes in school placements, in cases where more substantive environmental changes are needed.  This information has been adapted from and additional information may be sought out at that link as well.

Some resources that can be used in conducting functional behavioral assessments and behavior support planning are listed below:

Tier 3 Resources

Resources for learning about functional behavioral assessment

Assessment Forms

Behavior Support Planning Forms & Resources

Progress Monitoring/Data Collection

Progress monitoring and data collection can be completed manually (paper-pencil) or electronically with commercial products (such as ISIS-SWIS) or noncommercial products such as the graphing tools below: