For more information on talking to your kids about alcohol, click on this link: TALK THEY HEAR YOU
- For Parents
Helpful Links and information for Parents to help their children stay safe and drug-free. - A Must-Have Drug Guide for Parents: Learn the Facts to Keep Your Teen Safe
Do you know the drugs that teens are abusing these days? Our research shows a significant increase in teens that see drug and alcohol use and “getting high” as acceptable in social situations. In fact, more teens are now using drugs to de-stress from pressures from school and extra-curricular activities than ever before.
With this growing number of teens using drugs and alcohol it’s more important than ever for parents to be knowledgeable and prepared.
A great first step is to learn the facts about the drugs that are in your teen’s world.
To help you, The Partnership at has developed a handy Drug Guide presenting facts about the top 13 drugs abused by teens. You’ll find images of each drug, its street name, what it looks like, how it’s used/abused, what teens have heard about it, why it’s dangerous, the number of teens using it and signs of abuse to look for.
This is a must-have drug guide for all parents of teens. You can print it out, save it to your computer and forward it along to other parents you know. - Family Talk about Drinking
Recognizing that parents have the greatest influence on their children's decisions about drinking, the Family Talk program helps prevent underage drinking by encouraging open, honest communication between parents and children. Developed by an advisory panel of education, family counseling, child psychology and alcohol treatment professionals, the Family Talk parent guide is available in five languages - English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese. More than 7 million copies have been distributed free to parents and educators by Anheuser-Busch and its nationwide network of wholesalers. Videos are available in Spanish and English. - Safe Schools: It's Up To Us
Safe and Drug-Free School Students Orientation Video. Version K-5th grade and 6th -12th grade. Won the 2010 Kentucky Center for School Safe and Kentucky School Boards Association Steve Kimberling Leadership Award. - The Partnership at DrugFree.Org
Need help and don't know where to go? Here is a starting place for information to help you help your child. The Partnership at provides updates with latest news, insights, resources and developments from The Partnership at