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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

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PCHS 2017 FPS Team

The Pulaski County High School Future Problem Solving team represented the state of Kentucky at the Future Problem Solving International Conference held at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse in LaCrosse, WI on June 7-11.   Students competed in Global Issues Problem Solving, Community Problem Solving, and Scenario Writing.  The students qualified for this competition by winning titles at KAAC State Governor's Cup in March. Students from 46 states and 10 countries competed for International titles.  Countries represented included: Australia, New Zealand, The Republic of Georgia, India, Singapore, China, Thailand, Israel, Hong Kong and the United States.  Pulaski County High School represented Kentucky and the United States well and won several awards. The Pulaski County High School Future Problem Solving team were named the International Runner up in Global Issues Problem Solving.  This was the highest finish ever in this event for Pulaski County High School breaking a previous record set by the PCHS Future Problem Solving team in 2009 that finished in 4th place.  The students were given a futuristic scenario on the topic of Biosecurity.  They completed a written packet in which they generated 16 challenges, an Underlying Problem, 16 Solutions, generated 5 criteria that they used to rank their solutions on a grid and developed an Action Plan.  They had to perform an original skit to present their Action Plan.  The Pulaski County High School Community Problem Solving team also competed with their project titled "Dollars and Sense" which focused on Financial Literacy.  Unlike Global Issues Problem Solving, students implement their Action Plan that was developed in a six page paper and six page addendum that was scored in the Preliminary competition.  On site, the students were judged on a display for their project, a scrapbook highlighting their achievements, a video, and a 30 minute interview with evaluators.  They also presented their project at the CmPS Fair held at the conference.  The PCHS CmPS team finished in 3rd Place in the Education category.  Kennedy Burdine represented Kentucky in the Scenario Writing for the competition.  Kennedy was named the State Champion for her scenario which was entitled "Primal Forces" in March at KAAC State Governor's Cup.  Her scenario was then submitted for International evaluation where she  was named the International Runner up.  She also competed in the Team Scenario Writing Competition where she was named the International Champion.  Coach Scott Sexton, who had now won 15 International titles as a coach and competitor, also competed on the Adult Global Issues Problem Solving team representing Kentucky.  Kentucky finished 3rd in the written competition and in Presentation of Action Plan.  The coaches and students would like to thank the Pulaski County Board of Education, the administration and staff at Pulaski County High School as well as the sponsors that made it possible for them to compete in this competition. The students had the opportunity to do some sightseeing in Chicago, IL and LaCrosse, WI while on the trip.

Team members pose with trophies following the final awards--1st Row L-R--Emma Stevens, Sera Sergin and Kennedy Burdine.  2nd row--Gavin Spradlin, Hannah Yadon, Selin Sergin, Sebastian Tingle, and Coach Scott Sexton