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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

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Serving Those that Serve You

On Thursday, September 28th members of Pulaski County High School’s FBLA chapter teamed up with the JROTC chapter to host a breakfast for service personnel.  The breakfast was held in honor of all the hard work and sacrifices that the service personnel make on a daily basis to ensure that our community is safe and our many freedoms can be enjoyed.  Overall, 56 service personnel attended the breakfast.  FBLA members helped serve refreshments, emptied trays, cleaned tables and gave each attendee a Survival Kit that showed Pulaski County’s appreciation.

FBLA or Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lamba is an American career and technical student organization that focuses on service, education and progress.  This year’s state project is “Serving Those Who Serve You.”

Many thanks goes out to the JROTC Color Guard, FBLA members, Pulaski County Administration, Principal, Rodney McAninch, Wanda Johnson and Superintendent, Steve Butcher.  However, the biggest thanks goes to the wonderful staff that prepared the breakfast (The Pulaski County High School cafeteria staff and Goldie Smith).