Post Detail
We have made it halfway through the school year and have many exciting things coming for the winter. Kicking off in January, we will be having our second annual Pulaski County Schools Hall of Fame Banquet. The Banquet will be held at Pulaski County High School on January 11th. We look forward to dinner and fellowship with another great group of community members and alumni being inducted.
With winter in full swing, we can usually expect a few snow days. Once again, we will be utilizing “Ilearn Pulaski” days. If the snow day is an “Ilearn Pulaski” day, it will be announced along with the school closing information. We thank you for your patience when dealing with weather closing days, as our staff works hard to make the best decisions when it comes to closing school. Our county is large and weather can vary from one end of the county to the other. Weather and road conditions can be unpredictable in such a large county and we use many resources when it comes to making this important decision for the safety of our students.
Coming up in February, we will be hosting a Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation audit. SACS have accredited Pulaski County Schools for many years and it is a great honor to be recognized by this organization. I would like to thank the many parents, teachers, students, and community members that will take part in the accreditation process.
Spring will be right around the corner, with more great things to come. I would like to say thank you for all the support that we receive from our stakeholders and community members. You are what helps us prepare our children for their future.