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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

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Welcome Back 2022-2023
Teresa Nicholas

Welcome back to the 2022-23 school year. I hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer and is energized and ready to start a new school year. Our teachers, staff, and administrators are excited to bring students back into the buildings and are anxious to see everyone. We hope with the coming of the new year we can put most thoughts of the pandemic behind us.

One of our focuses for the new year is to increase student attendance. Parents, we need your help.  During the last two years we have all become a little relaxed in making student attendance a priority. I know that we have had to be a little more flexible due to Covid and I understand that. However, we have to get back to normal and continue to focus on getting our students in school every day. In the
last year we have made great strides in closing the academic gap for students caused by missing many days because of the pandemic over the last two years. We need students in schools. One of the greatest lessons we have learned through this pandemic has been the impact on students social-emotional learning and we will be focusing on that this year.

Welcome back to the 2022-23 school year. I hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer and is energized and ready to start a new school year. Our teachers, staff, and administrators are excited to bring students back into the buildings and are anxious to see everyone. We hope with the coming of the new year we can put most thoughts of the pandemic behind us.

One of our focuses for the new year is to increase student attendance. Parents, we need your help.  During the last two years we have all become a little relaxed in making student attendance a priority. I know that we have had to be a little more flexible due to Covid and I understand that. However, we have to get back to normal and continue to focus on getting our students in school every day. In the
last year we have made great strides in closing the academic gap for students caused by missing many days because of the pandemic over the last two years. We need students in schools. One of the greatest lessons we have learned through this pandemic has been the impact on students social-emotional learning and we will be focusing on that this year.

I am cautiously optimistic about where we are returning to “normal”. Students will be returning to in school instruction in the fall and that is where they need to be. Covid is still popping up but we are all learning how to deal with it. I know our students and staff are all excited to get back to “normal”.

As a parent myself, I encourage you to be actively involved with your child’s learning. Parents are a valued partner with the education of your child. You are always welcome and I hope you plan to visit your child’s school often.  The world we live in has changed from when we were in school.  We are very fortunate to collaborate with the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department in working with our school
resource officers and we are pleased to be able to add more resource officers in schools.

Our schools continue to perform at high levels in state and local assessments, and in Advanced Placement and Governor’s Scholar numbers. We are proud to partner with local colleges to be able to offer dual credit classes, allowing parents and students to take advantage of college tuition savings while still in high school.  We are also excited about the extra-curricular opportunities in which our teams have had great accomplishments at both state and national levels in academics and sports.

Pulaski County Schools have a top-notch staff, with many excellent programs and opportunities to offer.  Our students are performing and achieving at the highest levels.  I am very excited about all the possibilities and I hope everyone has a great school year!  

Patrick Richardson, Superintendent
Pulaski County Schools

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