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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

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Teresa Nicholas

Kentucky has been approved to provide summer P-EBT benefits as offered by the USDA. Please note the following important aspects of the approval:

  • All eligible students will receive the same total benefit amount of $375 for the covered summer period. The benefit will be a one-time deposit to the existing cards that should occur in August.
  • Summer P-EBT is an “extension” of the 2020-2021 P-EBT benefit, so all students that ended the school year as eligible will automatically receive the benefits, including students that graduated.

Kentucky Approved to Provide Summer P-EBT Benefits

Kentucky has been approved to provide summer P-EBT benefits as offered by the USDA. Please note the following important aspects of the approval:

  • All eligible students will receive the same total benefit amount of $375 for the covered summer period. The benefit will be a one-time deposit to the existing cards that should occur in August.
  • Summer P-EBT is an “extension” of the 2020-2021 P-EBT benefit, so all students that ended the school year as eligible will automatically receive the benefits, including students that graduated. Students that are newly enrolled during the summer for next school year are NOT eligible.
  • The predominant learning model that was used at the end of last school year will have no impact on eligibility, i.e. students that were In-Person or Hybrid at the end of the school year will receive the full benefit amount.
  • Burnside Elementary School
  • Eubank Elementary School
  • Memorial Education Center
  • Nancy Elementary School
  • Northern Elementary School
  • Northern Middle School
  • Oak Hill Elementary School
  • Pulaski Elementary School
  • Shopville Elementary School
  • Southern Elementary School
  • Southern Middle School
  • Southwestern High School