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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

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New Copiers and Papercut MFP

Welcome to Papercut!

As part of the new district copier contract, we are now using copiers by Konica/Minolta and a Papercut MFP server.

You will print as you always have, except your print job will not come out of the copier until you show up to pick it up.

To release your print job at the copier you will have to sign-in on the copier using:

Your PIN, or
Your Network Credentials, or
Your Swipe Card.

You will not have to know copier numbers; you can literally pick up your print job at any copier.

We have deployed one copier driver district wide (print_anywhere) this will be your default copier.

We will be training key people in your schools on all of this, they in turn will provide training for you.



Please keep this number confidential.

You can logon to the user portal to view your PIN.

Link to Portal:  (Portal only works on the school network.)

Portal credentials are the same as your network credentials. (What you logon your computer with.)


Anywhere Printing (Print_Anywhere printer on your PC)

We are using a concept called Follow Me Printing, or Anywhere Printing.

This allows your job to be HELD until you check into any copier and RELEASE it to print using either your PIN CODE or a SWIPE CARD.

When you authenticate into the copier, you simply release the print job.

You will have 24 hours to pick up your print job, print jobs left over 24 hours will be deleted from the server.


Swipe Cards

Some Staff already have cards. (BES, SWHS, EES, NHES, Memorial)

RFID Cards or Key Fobs will be provided for those who do not.

When you swipe a card the first time, the copier will ask you to authenticate using your NETWORK CREDENTIALS. Thereafter you will be registered.

RFID Stickers will not be provided for students; PINS will be provided for students.


Printing Defaults

By default, copiers are setup to print 2-sided, gray scale.

This can be changed at print time if you need something different.

To change an option, click on the properties box and then select Print Type, or Select Color.


Chromebook Printing

Chromebook Printing is available using the print_anywhere queue and the Papercut Mobility APP (which is preinstalled on your chromebook).

You may then go to the copier of your choice and enter your PIN to retrieve your print job.