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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

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Annual Training for Staff and Students

School staff are required to complete training on various topics on an annual basis.  This page includes information about and a listing of those required training pieces for both school based staff as well as central office staff.   These annual trainings should be part of the first G-Day or opening day and not for PD credit.

Training Required for School-based Staff.  Training topics marked with [CO] are required of ALL central office staff. 

  1. School Technology Training [CO] - Required for ALL (certified and classified) 2024-2025
    1. Review the Back to School Presentation  and document training via staff meeting signature page (CO staff must sign and submit AUP after reviewing information).  Training includes required information from KDE:  Records retention and Data Security.  The training also includes general tech information and procedures for Pulaski County Schools.  
    2. Read Acceptable Use Policy
    3. Submit signed Staff User Agreement to the STC
    4. Staff AUP Signature Page
  2. Bloodborne Pathogen Training [CO] - Required for ALL (certified and classified) 2024-2025
    1. Watch the video and take the quiz.  

  3. Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Training [CO] - Required for new hires.  Required for ALL 2024-2025
    * Required for all school administrators, certified staff members, office staff, instructional assistants, coaches and extracurricular sponsors in 2020-21 or within 90 days of hire and every other year thereafter.
    1. Watch the video
    2. Take the online quiz
  4. Review Code of Conduct: (updated version to be posted 7/14/21) “School Employee Duty to Report”, p. 33-35 - Required for ALL (certified and classified) 2024-2025
    1. Review relevant PCS Policies
  • 09.227 – Report Child Abuse
  • 03.23253 – Report Domestic/Dating Violence
  • 09.2211 – Report Criminal Activity, including Human Trafficking
  1. Professional Boundary Training – required for all middle school and high school staff annually.  Contact Jaala Taylor for information or assistance as needed.  - Required for ALL (certified and classified) 2024-2025
  2. Introduction to PBIS - Required for ALL staff (certified and classified) 2024-2025 [CO]: 
    1. Watch the videos PBIS Overview and PBIS an Introduction
    2. Complete the quiz after watching the videos.
    3. A score of 80% is required.  Responses may be edited after submission if required score not obtained.
  3. Bullying Prevention Training - Required for ALL (certified and classified) 2024-2025
    • View the 6 short videos on the KET site focused on bullying prevention or the training course found at or  other as approved by administrator.
    • Send certificate to the Building PD Facilitator or sign a signature page provided by the school verifying completion.
  4. FERPA/Confidentiality Training [CO] - Required for ALL (certified and classified) 2024-2025
    1. This may be done as a group in a faculty meeting, or independently by staff with network credentials.

9.  Suicide Prevention Training:  Required 1 hour in-person training for all Grades 4 - 12 school principals, guidance counselors, teachers and any other employee with job duties that require direct contact with students by September 15 annually.  Required  for all Grades 4 - 12  staff 2024-2025

  • NEW For 2025-2026:  Visit and register or sign-in.  Select "SOS for School Staff" and complete the required training video.  If you need help navigating the website/setting up your account, please watch this instructional video for step-by-step instructions.
  • Visit to register and login.  A certificate is offered upon completion of all components listed.  Send the certificate to the Building PD Facilitator or sign a signature page provided by the school verifying completion.
  • Additional information and Resources are available on the Suicide Prevention Training and Resources for Educators page.

10.  Mental Health and Physical Restraint and Seclusion [CO] - Required for ALL (certified and classified) 2024-2025

  1. Recommended:  watch four videos focused on mental health or other as approved by administrator.
  2. Review relevant PCS guidelines, policies, and procedures
  1. Submit training verification form to the Building PD Facilitator.

11.  Emergency Management Plan Training [CO] - Required for ALL (certified and classified) 2024-2025

  1. Review universal safety procedures and practices for emergencies (including District and School Emergency Plans)
  2. Review evacuation routes (as posted in each classroom/room)
  3. Review assigned roles and responsibilities during emergencies
  4. Login to the emergency management website (as required by admin).  Notify your school administrator if you are unable to access the site.
  5. Login to Raptor (ALL staff).  Notify your school administrator if you are unable to access the site/app.

12.  Alcohol, Tobacco, other Drugs (ATOD) Training - Required for ALL (certified and classified) 2024-2025  - Code of Conduct information.

13.  Gifted and Talented Training- Required 2024-2025 - ALL teachers are required to complete annual GT training - Gifted and Talented Identification in Kentucky.  KRS 157.200

14.  Seizure Disorder Training- Required for new staff 2024-2025 - All principals, guidance counselors and teachers to complete a 1-time, one-hour  training.  Submit documentation to the building facilitator.   Two possible resources include:  

15.  Active Shooter Training Video: - Required for ALL (certified and classified) 2024-2025  This is a 1-hour training required for ALL staff annually (certified and classified) by November 1.  

16.  Medication Training:- Required for selected staff 2024-2025  See the medication administration training page for materials.




  1. Sign Electronic User Agreement
    1. Students sign Acceptable Use Agreement (front of Code of Conduct)
    2. Submit completed forms to STC.  Do this at start of year, and for all new students.
  2. Bullying/Harassment
    1. May show Pulaski County Schools Safety Video or other as approved by administrator.
      1. Elementary Video
      2. Secondary Video
    2. Document in lesson plans
  3. Cyberbullying, Social Networking Sites, Cell Phone use
    1. Use online resources, such as or the KY Digital Driven Learning (DDL) Resources
    2. Document in lesson plans.  Must include:
      1. Cyberbullying
      2. Social Networking
      3. Chatrooms
  4. Suicide Prevention Training for Middle School and High School Students
    1. Show A Cry for Help - Suicide Prevention Videos and document in lesson plans by September 15 annually.
    2. Show a second video (coming soon) and document in lesson plans in January annually.
  5. Code of Conduct
    1. Review prohibited behavior, including alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD)
    2. Student Duty to Report.
    3. Review other content, as directed by administrator.
  6. Emergency Management Drills