Senate Bill 159, passed by the KY General Assembly in 2017, requires any student that graduates with a regular diploma as of July 1, 2018 to pass a civics test with a score of 60% or better. Each local board of education is expected to approve an exam that is composed of 100 questions from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services test.
- Practice Test -
- Study Guides
- English -
- Spanish -
- Accommodations and Modifications -
Study guides are available in multiple languages, large print and audio formats at the US Citizenship and Immigration Services website.
- Civics Tests
- Administrator Resources
The link below can only be accessed by specific staff members. Please contact your curriculum specialist if you need access.
- Archived Civics Test Links (Discontinued)
- Archived Test Login - http://e501webn0/CivicsTest
- Test Authorization Portal -